
At-home Vs. Professional Tanning: Which Is Better?

When it comes to achieving the perfect bronze glow, there are two schools of thought: professional tanning or do-it-yourself (DIY) at home. There are pros and cons to both methods that should be considered before making a decision.

Here we will compare at-home and professional tanning, looking at the pros and cons of each option, to help you decide which is right for you.

At-Home Tanning

At-home tanning can be a great way to achieve the perfect bronze glow without having to spend money on expensive salon sessions. However, there are also some potential risks associated with at-home tanning that you should be aware of before you start.

On the plus side, at-home tanning is typically much cheaper than professional services, and it allows you to control the level of darkness that you achieve. You can also choose the formula of your self-tanner based on your skin type, which ensures a more natural-looking finish.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider as well. One is that it can be difficult to apply self-tanner evenly, resulting in streaks or an overall patchy appearance.

Professional Tanning

Achieving the perfect bronze tan is easier than ever with the help of a professional. They will know exactly how long to keep you in the booth and what level of intensity is right for your skin type. Professional salons use high-quality equipment that will give you a much better result than if you were to try and tan at home. This includes both the beds and the products they use.

The biggest con of professional tanning is the cost. It can be quite expensive to maintain membership at a salon, especially if you go often. There is also a risk of skin damage when using Tanning beds, even when following all of the safety precautions.


At-home tanning is usually cheaper than professional tanning, and you can do it on your own schedule. However, it’s important to read the instructions carefully to avoid over-exposure and skin damage. Professional tanning is more expensive, but you’ll get a better result since the technicians are trained to apply thetan evenly. There’s also less risk of burning or overexposing yourself since they’ll monitor your session closely.

At-home tanning is usually cheaper and more convenient than going to a professional. However, it can be tricky to get the results you want without help. If you’re not careful, you could end up with an uneven or streaky tan. Professional tanning is more expensive, but the results are usually worth it. A trained technician will know how to apply the spray evenly and avoid any streaks or patches. They can also help you choose the right shade of self-tanner for your skin tone.


In conclusion,both at-home and professional tanning have their pros and cons. If you are looking for a quick, cheap, and easy option, at-home tanning is the way to go. However, if you are looking for a more long-lasting and natural-looking tan, professional tanning is the better option. Whichever route you choose, be sure to do your research to ensure you are getting the best possible results.